Monday, August 17, 2009

Jumping In

This whole blogging thing is new to me. But I want to be able to share thoughts and ideas with others. Who knows? Maybe I'll even inspire a few people. I'm hoping this will be a place I can share my art and creative ideas and get feedback. I have to admit, it's a little scary putting my art out there. I feel almost like a teenager... 'what if everyone hates it? or thinks it's awful? or not good enough?' But I know that I enjoy creating and even if everyone else thinks I make junk... it makes ME happy to create! So here I go jumping into the world of technology! I'm not even going to hold my breath. Over the next week I'm going to unleash a creative idea I have to raise money to pay off my credit cards, my car loan and hopefully have some left over to pay for a wedding (assuming the man of my dreams ever proposes!). I really think I can do this. And I'm hoping my art will help. It's cheaper than therapy. So stay tuned....

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