Friday, December 18, 2009

I haven't blogged in a while. But I DID manage to sell a few more things. Al, my fiance, and I sold 16 itmes on eBay. We made a profit of $175.34. But since we are splitting that I made $87.76. So for 16 items I made $5.48 each. Not quite up to the $10 I'm looking for. Still, I'm making progress. If we keep going I could reach my $20,000 goal... eventually.

I was really hoping that we'd sell a lot of things on eBay. I had listed 26 items and only sold 16 of them. Don't get me wrong, I'm very grateful for the money I did make. I just thought I'd be able to unload all of those items. I think I may wait until after Christmas to re-list and list new items. I can have an after Xmas sale.

I refuse to give up on my goal to sell 2000 Things for $10 each. If I could make an extra $20,000 this year, I could really have a stress-free wedding! Okay, not much time to blog today. Better get to wrapping all my Christmas gifts!