This is it. My clean slate. Time to start doing instead of simply planning.
Al and I have started our annual 28 day detox diet. Of course, this means that we spent the past several days eating anything and everything we wanted. We knew we were about to give up our main staples- coffee, sugar, and chocolate for 28 days. The way we ate yesterday you might have thought someone had told us we'd never see those things again, ever. And having gone through this the past 2 Januaries I know that in a few days I will be begging those around me for chocolate. I will probably be grouchy and irritable and maybe even a little mean. I don't want this to happen. But my passion for Starbucks non-fat, no whip, sugar-free hazelnut, mochas runs deep. This year, however, I have vowed that I will do my best to stay sweet, kind and patient. To not let food (in particular sugar and caffeine) keep a hold on me.
The Plan
We give up sugar and caffeine and almost all salt for 28 days. We stick to this ultra-healthy meal plan. We exercise 5 hours a week (to be spread out among 7 days).
When I say it like that it doesn't sound bad. It sounds very reasonable. But I know that tomorrow when I get a massive caffeine withdrawal headache, I will start to curse the day I started this regime. And in a few more days when the sugar withdrawals hit, people I've known for years will start to hide from me. How can I avoid this? Not the headaches and withdrawal. I know, like with any addiction, I have to go through that. I want to avoid being mean to those around me. I want to try to avoid losing my mind. It's only 28 days after all!
This is where modern technology comes in play. I'm hoping that by blogging all my crazy and irrational thoughts, I can keep from losing my cool in public. I can actually enjoy the process of regaining control over my body which I know I should be treating like a temple. It also helps that Al is doing this with me. He never seems to lose his cool over this detox. But he doesn't have the love affair with chocolate that I have.
So, to anyone who is reading, or even to the ones not reading. Bon Appetit! Happy New Year!
My August 7, 2016 haikus
8 years ago